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Dorottya Udvar

Rent office

"A"-category office


Dorottya Udvar

Address: 1113 Budapest, Bocskai road 134.
year of construction: 2002
Total area: 28500 m2
Letting area: 1190 m2
Min. rent fee: 13,5 EUR/m2/month
Max. rent fee: EUR/m2/month
Min. size of office: 520 m2
Service charge: 6,6 EUR/m2/month
warehouse space:12 m2
warehouse rent:8 EUR/m2/month
Parking:surface & underground parking
Min. parking fee:80 EUR/place/month
Max. parking fee:110 EUR/place/month
common area ratio:5.6%
Min. renting period:5 year
Dorottya Udvar

Dorottya Udvar is located at the west gate of the capital, at Bocskai út, close to M1 and M7 motorways. The complex was built in 1910 as a military uniform warehouse. After several functional changes the property was redeveloped as Dorottya Udvar office building in 2002. The high quality building offers 28,500 sq m of category „A” office with impressive floor to ceiling heights and large windows in a creative environment. Providing flexible layouts and numerous services, Dorottya Udvar was voted “Best office building in Budapest, 2002” and was one of the finalists of FIABCI “Prix d’ excellence-Best office building in the word, 2003”.

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