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Flórián Udvar

Rent office

"A"-category office


Flórián Udvar

Address: 1033 Budapest, Polgár street 8.
Total area: 10800 m2
Letting area: 997 m2
Min. rent fee: 5180 HUF/m2/month
Max. rent fee: HUF/m2/month
Min. size of office: 275 m2
Service charge: 2550 HUF/m2/month
warehouse space:50 m2
warehouse rent:2220 EUR/m2/month
Parking:surface & underground parking
Min. parking fee:33000 HUF/place/month
Max. parking fee:52000 HUF/place/month
common area ratio:6%
Min. renting period:3 year
Flórián Udvar

Flórián Udvar offers 10.800 sqm of premium loft-style office space at the center of North Buda, at Flórián Square. The former building of the Hungarian Royal Tobacco Factory transformed into an A-category office complex was completed in June, 2008.
Located in the most important traffic junction point of North Buda, Flórián Udvar plays a significant role in the renewal of the historical city center of the district. The developer aimed to preserve and emphasize the 19th century architectural characteristics, integrated with the 21st century styles, providing exceptional working environment by the domed interiors, cast-iron columns and unusual interior height. As a further special feature, ruins from the Roman Era found during excavation works, are exhibited under glass panels by one of the entrances.

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