Online offer! +36 30 931 8495

K3 irodaház

Rent office

"A"-category office


K3 irodaház

Address: 1087 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán boulevard 48.
year of construction: 2010
Total area: 18500 m2
Letting area: 1138 m2
Min. rent fee: 3480 HUF/m2/month
Max. rent fee: 3480 HUF/m2/month
Min. size of office: 450 m2
Service charge: 1090 HUF/m2/month
Parking:underground garage
Parking fee:24.650 HUF/place/month
common area ratio:8.8%
Min. renting period:3 year
K3 irodaház

The K3 provides a modern, stylish and healthy work environment for those who work there. During the design phase the Ybl-prize recipient Lukács and Vikár Architects Studio placed priority on maximal flexibility and the plentiful availability of natural light in the offices. The offices face Budapest’s largest park, Népliget. An axle like central building connects the four towers of the complex. The development is should be interesting for bigger companies and smaller businesses alike.  (no VAT!)

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