Online offer! +36 30 931 8495

Medimpex Palota

Rent office

"A"-category office


Medimpex Palota

Address: 1051 Budapest, Vörösmarty square 4.
Total area: 3310 m2
Letting area: 547 m2
Min. rent fee: 22,5 EUR/m2/month
Max. rent fee: 23 EUR/m2/month
Min. size of office: 181 m2
Service charge: 5,3 EUR/m2/month
Parking:utcán megoldott
common area ratio:8,25%
Min. renting period:3 year
Medimpex Palota

The office building is located on the most beautiful part of downtown, on the Vörösmarty Square, not far from the busy Deak Square. The monument building was completely refurbished and turned into offices in 1999, in 2013 the entire building was modernized based on contemporary requirements.

The rent and service charge are not subject to VAT!

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